Operating P3DX with a sidewinder joystick
Things needed:
1) P3DX
2) Laptop
3) Sidewinder joystick (you could you use any other joystick too with a corresponding launch file)
4) ROS installed on your system
ROS packages required:
1) p2os
2) joy (dependency for p2os)
3) teleop_joy_sidewinder.launch (you could also use teleop_joy.launch depending on your joystick). The contents of this file are as follows:
Step 1:
Run roscore in your first terminal.
Step 2:
Run the p2os_dashboard:
$ rosrun p2os_dashboard p2os_dashboard
It has three basic functions:
1) Provides the robot's battery information
2) A button to view rxconsole
3) A button to enable/disable motors
Step 3:
Run the p2os node to connect to p3dx.
$ rosrun p2os_driver _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0
_port should be given the device address of the p3dx serial cable.
Step 4:
Launch the joystick launch file:
$ roslaunch p2os_launch teleop_joy_sidewinder.launch
Remember to keep the teleop_joy_sidewinder.launch file in the p2os_launch folder.
Step 5:
Enable the motors using the button(gear-shaped) on the p2os-dashboard.
Drive the robot around using the following button presses:
L + R + Axis
Gathering Laser scans in a bag file:
Things needed:
1) SICK Laser (mounted on your p3dx)
2) All the other things from the previous step
ROS Packages required:
1) sicktoolbox
2) sicktoolbox_wrapper
Installation procedure:
1) First download and install the sicktoolbox using rosmake.
2) Fire up your favorite editor and open this file (your_ros_installation_directory)/ros/diamondback/stacks/sicktoolbox/build/sicktoolbox-1.0/c++/drivers/lms/sicklms-1.0/SickLMS.cc . Go to line 2319.
3) In this line, add the O_NDELAY flag as shown here:
if((_sick_fd = open(_sick_device_path.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY| O_NDELAY)) < 0) {
throw SickIOException("SickLMS::_setupConnection: - Unable to open serial port");
4) After this line, add a system sleep call for 30 seconds. This is required so as to allow the sick laser to start up and start scanning.
5) After completing these changes, use the makefile to remake the package. Do not use rosmake.
$ make all
6) Now download and install the sicktoolbox_wrapper .
Begin joystick operation as explained in the previous step.
Run the sicklms node in the sicktoolbox_wrapper as shown:
$ rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms _port:=/dev/ttyUSB1 _baud:=38400 _resolution:=1.0
The sicklms node publishes sensor_msgs/LaserScan on the topic called scan .
Check rxgraph to examine the scenario and check whether the sicklms node is publishing data to the scan topic.
1) _resolution:=1.0 is important for gmapping
2) Set _port to the device address of the SICK's serial cable.
Run rosbag to start recording data from the topics scan and tf
$ rosbag record -o gmapping_data.bag /scan /tf
The bag file be stored in your current directory along with a time stamp appended to the file name.
Use the joystick to drive the p3dx around while it collects data from the laser into the bag file.
After finishing a drive around your room, check your bag file using rxbag to see if contains bot the tf and the scan data.
Running Gmapping on the saved bagfile:
Now that you have successfully recorded the laser data into a bag file, it can be used anytime. We will now use it run gmapping on this set.
ROS packages required:
1) gmapping -- http://www.ros.org/wiki/gmapping
2)pr2_navigation -- http://www.ros.org/wiki/pr2_navigation -- this package is required only for a file move_base.vcg
Run roscore
Set the use_sim_time paramter to true
$ rosparam set use_sim_time "true"
Run a transform publisher node to publish tf information between the base link and the laser:
$ rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 base_link laser 100
Run the slam_gmapping node:
$ rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping
This node will subscribe to the tf and scan data from the bag file.
Play the bag file:
$ rosbag play --clock gmapping_data.bag
The bag file start playing and you will be able to see the time elapsed on the terminal.
To visualize the map now, there are two options:
1) Store the map to a png file:
$ rosrun map_server map_saver
2) Real time visualization:
Fire up rviz:
$ rosrun rviz rviz
Open the following file in rviz:
After the file gets loaded, you will be able to see the progress of the mapping process in real time.